This is not your typical 'how-to' hunting book. Nor is it another collection of 'me and Joe went hunting' stories. It is a humorous collection of author Bob Neill's own experiences in a lifetime of hunting turkeys along the Mississippi River, focusing on the one aspect of turkey hunting Neill claims to do best: 'miss turkeys wonderfully well.' Neill's stories are enhanced by two special sections of color paintings by widely acclaimed artist Bob Tompkins and by 40 of the artist's detailed pencil drawings.
With wit and sensitivity Neill reveals the customs and comraderie of a group of men bound together by friendship and a common love of hunting. Through his words and Tompkins pictures, you will meet and become friends with Big Robert and Beau and Dude and a host of other memorable characters. You will soon feel at home with them on Woodstock Island with its Giant Mushroom and tumbled-down Chimney. You will even gain insights into the motives and mind of the wild turkey and meet such distinguished birds as the Boss, the Showboat, and the Absent-minded Professor.