In 1984, George Orwell wrote of a totalitarian society in which the government constantly revised history in order to make it conform to the claims of the ruling elite. Ironically, our own society has evolved into a similar system of rewriting history. However unlike that society described by Orwell, those rewriting our history have engaged in a much more effective and insidious process, with only a few hints from time to time to suggest anything might be amiss.
Most citizens in the West spend their whole lifetimes blissfully unaware that they have been fed a carefully edited view of the past, tailored to prop up the powers that be and keep humanity ignorant of their own past and the dangers that the past presents in the here and now.
Where Orwell's Big Brother was overtly aggressive in his rule, today's ruling elite are every secretive and hide behind various media outlets, scientific organizations, government offices, and secret societies. Their control is not infinite or complete, but it comes close with only those willing to self publish or post on the Internet generally being able to circumvent their control. Later in this book I will be outlining who these secret rulers are (and have presented a fuller picture of their secrets and goals in my previous books Genesis 6 Giants - Master Builders of Prehistoric and Ancient Civilizations, and Angel Wars: Past, Present, Future).1 In these books I've documented both how there is definitive proof of the existence of giants and other terrifying creatures both in the form of artifacts as well as historical accounts (echoed in mythology) and will also note how the physical proof is regularly spirited away and destroyed or quietly deposited in obscure museums and dark back rooms where the public is never allowed.