Eric Laughton, a professional law enforcement and military officer, overcame many hurdles in getting to this point.
His background was troubled, but he turned his life around dramatically. While his story is similar to that of many others, his brush with death was something few people have survived. This is not the main narrative of his life.
When faced with impossible odds (and about as close to death as you can come), Laughton had an impossible choice to make: either give up or overcome them through personal growth and self-discovery. That’s when he came up with the 4 M’s of Success.
By following these simple guidelines, Laughton was able to not only face what seemed like insurmountable odds, but overcome them!
You can do the same by learning to:
Fully commit to a goal
Find the perfect mentor
Reach your goals mentally before taking a single step
Feed your mind with the right information
Achieve major goals through small victories
Eric Laughton has studied works on leadership and self-improvement. He is qualified as a motivational speaker and joined the John Maxwell Team as a coach, trainer and speaker. Laughton has branched out on his own, speaking professionally and training others with his two formulas: LEAD and the 4Ms of Success.