Initially released in 1995 via Victory Records, Integrity's Systems Overload is one of the most vicious and iconic pieces of hardcore's storied lineage and, while countless legions worldwide will forever praise the album, it was never presented in the way the band had initially intended. After a series of rushed/confused mixing sessions, the final product was submitted more at the end of a long, frustrated rope than any 'victory' over the mixing board. Last year, former Integrity guitarist Aaron Melnick and current guitarist Robert Orr collaboratively took on a mission to bring forth the true vision of what the now-legendary Systems Overload LP was to have brought forth initially. Through unearthing the initial masters of the extensive recording sessions, the guitarists from two different eras were able to cull all elements of original and alternate takes of the material and elevate them to a new level, incorporating both new contributions from Melnick and Orr alongside lost solos and divebombs from the initial sessions. The 2013 Systems Overload mix showcases a much more organic and raw side of this timeless album, bearing fan favorites like the opening track Incarnate 365, the rabid Armenian Persecution, the plodding Jimson Isolation and the enduring title anthem. The dark, visionary brutality of the initial recording is retained, but the band's punk and Japanese hardcore influences erupt forth with new vitality.