The poems in Sweet Husk, winner of the 2014 Perugia Press Prize, move between the living and the dead, seeking connection with and through the past, often via the act of digging and excavation. Here, poetry and archaeology reflect one another: what is buried provides insight into or, conversely, deepens the mystery of the ways we engage with the world. The poems are full of matter, of things that matter artifacts and animals and build on pattern, series, and echoes, that focus on making/remaking from what is broken, dead, unsung, or left behind. We see how strange, small, and lonely our lives are dwarfed by our place in a vast landscape of both topography and time. We see how little we can know about ourselves, even with dedicated cataloguing and search. Finally, Sweet Husk, concerns itself with our human place in the narrative of the earth, and this environmental theme is essential.