Survive The Coming Storm - The Poor man's Guide To Preserving Your Wealth In an Economic Collapse - By Ray Gano
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Survive The Coming Storm - The Poor man's Guide To Preserving Your Wealth In an Economic Collapse - By Ray Gano
With the creation of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank also known as the AIIB, our days of the dollar maintaining Global Reserve Status is numbered. The AIIB will be going fully online around December 2015 to first quarter 2016.The creation of the AIIB is something that most people do not know about and it was barely spoken about by the main stream media.
It will probably take a few years to shake out all the bugs in the system and gain the public's trust. But once they do, that is when the Dollar's Global Reserve status tanks.
So what are you going to do to protect your wealth? Most of the financial vehicles to protect wealth are pretty much for 6-7 digit earners.
So what does the common man do?
Our nation is not in good shape what so ever. The government says that we are doing great, but the grocery bills, utility bills and all the other bills we are paying does not back up what our wonderful leaders are telling us.
Folks, it is hard out there. But it isn’t the end of the world. The more knowledge we have, the better we can preserve our wealth and have a more satisfied life.
This book is NOT for the person who has the great 401K and is set for life, but can that person benefit reading this? You bet.
This book is for the person who.. maybe has that pittance of a retirement account that will not see you through two years past 65.
This book is for the person who... may not even have a retirement account and will have to work the rest of their lives. Believe it or not, there is a large growing number of this sort of group of people.
This book is for the person who.... does not trust their money being in the stock market for fear that one day the Government might confiscate it or their retirement account goes up in smoke because some fat cat on Wall Street ran a bad bet on some derivatives and instead of him losing, you lost it all in a matter of seconds.
This book is for the person who..... sees the writing on the wall and realizes that one day the US Economy will fall through the floor and the paper dollar will be used to wipe up after a mess and then flushed down the toilet.
This book is for the person who...... sees, knows and recognizes tangible assets that most other people do not see or recognize and want to know what to do with those uncommon tangible assets.
When the Dollar Dies, The World Will Go Down With It? ... NOPE
This is something that I have been hearing for a while and in fact it was an idea that I used to think as well.
When the dollar dies, the world will die with it.
Nope, it will not, because there is a new kid on the block.
Unbeknownst to most of the US, right now a new world monetary system is being put in place. When this comes on line completely, odds are that it will basically kill the US Dollar as the global reserve currency.
This new system is called The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank – also known as the AIIB.
44 countries (60% of the world’s GDP) are now jumping the US ship like rats and setting up financial swap lines to bypass the dollar and SWIFT system. The fact that China, Russia, India, Germany, France, and the United Kingdom have all joined this new alliance, it means that the Eurozone itself as of today has abandoned the dollar, and preparing for transitions to commence with the new AIIB banking system.
Once this new system is completely in place, the US dollar won’t be needed in these countries. They will have the means to transact financial commerce thus cutting the US and The World Bank out of the picture.
What this will theoretically do is cause all those US dollars that are being held by foreign countries, to slowly start trickling back home to the US.
Now will it be a sudden death?
No, because like it or not we are still one of the largest economies next to China and our goods and services are used and needed all over the world.
What will happen though is that the buying of these goods and services f