My name is Scarlet Jones, and I'm a witch...of some kind. Probably.  I grew up in a family full of strong Blood witches, in which my strange magic never belonged. I thought I was the only one of my kind out there, a true freak of nature, and I liked it that way. I lived on my own, learning to hunt these creatures nobody seemed to know anything about, a bunch of mute assholes who were in the habit of sucking my magic dry wherever they found me. I even set up a party for them, just so I could teach them some manners.  But my plan went to hell when four strangers crashed the party, people who apparently were like me. Just like that, I no longer felt like a special little flower. With four unconscious bodies at my feet and no idea what was going on, I thought that was the worst it was going to get. Boy, was I wrong...  The rest of my life is just beginning. Hop on board and brace yourselves. It's going to be a bumpy ride.