Following the sudden death of his estranged father, eighteen-year-old Timothy Witten learns that under the terms of his late father's Will, he is to inherit a small fortune - but he can't touch it until he is 25 and in possession of a college degree. In the meantime, Aunt Kay, Timothy's only remaining family, is appointed as trustee. She is a wealthy woman who has a large house in Alabama, and Timothy's life changes drastically as he leaves his boarding school and goes to live with her.
Aunt Kay proves herself to be quite a formidable character who won't stand for any nonsense. She is fond of her nephew, but that doesn't prevent her from spanking him when he misbehaves. Timothy is horrified, never having being spanked before, and suffers the indignity of going over his aunt's knee, bare bottomed. The punishments occur regularly, including a trip to the woodshed. This is Aunt Kay's domain; she rules the roost and Tim has to obey her or suffer the consequences! He often has a sore bottom but nevertheless develops a healthy respect and affection towards his aunt.