From dust jacket notes: "Tito Schipa: at the mention of his name what memories must come to the minds of those lucky enough to have heard him sing - even at his farewell concert in 1962 at the age of 73. On tour in Europe and America, whether singing for heads of state in the world's greatest opera theaters or for women's clubs in places like Louisville, Kentucky, Schipa gave of himself unstintingly over a career that lasted more than half a century, all the while sustaining the highest artistic standard, effortlessly producing phrases that have never been equaled for clarity of diction, technical mastery of expressive effects (including sfumato and smorzando effects at the top of his range), and sovereign musicality. Writing about his father, Tito Schipa, Jr., gives the master his due, but he also gives us an unflinching description of the man. If he had more control over his voice than any singer of this century, he had less control of his life than just about anyone in th public eye. With no thought for the morrow he let himself be derailed by attractive women or waylaid by confidence tricksters. Though he commanded very high fees, he seemed to place no value on money once it had come into his hands, or indeed on material wealth in any form....In the course of this book we come to understand and even to love the man Schipa, but the artist will forever remain an enigma. More than an intelligent singer, he was a gifted composer, yet he was a complete failure as a teacher, unable to communicate anything special about his technique except to say 'It's like speaking.' Clearly Tito Schipa knew how to experience great singing. He never forced his voice and was a wonderful host to the musical genius who sprang to life whenever he opened his mouth in song...." Includes a Collector's CD with 20 selections of Shipa's performances.