“Many of your goals and plans have reached a climactic point and yet with the success is increased responsibility. This year is all about getting what you want and finding that it is only just the start, not the end. This is a year when seeds sown in the past 7-14 years begin to bear fruit and have an effect on your life. The chickens are coming home to roost and it is also a time of karmic reward. As you look back you will feel pleased at the progress you have made and excited about the stage you have now reached. In other aspects of life you may face the fact that some things have not worked out as planned and need finishing off and consigning to the past. It is a time of completion of a cycle and where a new cycle can begin – the wonderful thing is that however you feel about where your life is at the moment (good, bad or average) you are about to start a major new phase of professional and personal development where you can begin right now to sow new seeds and start getting excited about what you can create for yourself.†SAGITTARIUS ASTROLOGY HOROSCOPE 2016 is HERE! Following the success of HOROSCOPE 2014 and 2015, Lazuli will again be releasing 12 astrology books: one for each star sign's horoscope for 2016. A big thank you to all the amazon buyers who supported me in 2014 and 2015. Are you looking in the mirror wondering what 2016 will hold? Do you feel at an important crossroads? Do you need direction or a kick start? Are you wondering 'what now' in terms of love and relationships? How are the Stars lining up for you in 2016? What opportunities can they supply the energy for? Popular resident astrologer of BBC WM Lisa Lazuli takes her straightening, down to earth approach to astrology from the air waves to the bookshelf with this insightful and motivational book. Includes a detailed yearly overview for Sagittarius, followed by monthly forecasts broken into love, life and career. A chatty, sincere read to help inspire, guide and alert you to the unique possibilities of your life on a practical, emotional and spiritual level. NOTE: These are monthly astrology horoscopes.