Red Epaulets (2013) contains three first-person narratives by young Philippine Constabulary officers (1911, 1913) describing the Philippine Moro culture of the time and the efforts of the Constabulary to bring law and order to the jungles of the southern Philippine islands, shortly after the Spanish-American War. It also contains an essay by Vic Hurley describing the role and later history of non-native Philippine Constabulary officers and a new Introduction - a personal memoir by his niece - recounting her discovery of the works of her uncle the author, adventurer and historian, Vic Hurley, and her impressions of him as she grew up.. This compilation supplements the author's recently re-published Philippine books: Swish of the Kris, the Story of the Moros, Authorized and Enhanced Edition (2010), and Jungle Patrol, the Story of the Philippine Constabulary (1901 - 1936) (2011).