Reach For Reading Grade 3 D Practice Book : Reach for Reading is a K-5 reading and language arts program built to meet the demands of the Common Core State Standards. It includes explicit and systematic whole and small group instruction at all grades with engaging reading resources including authentic leveled libraries, motivating main selections, and relevant, meaningful practice. Reach for Reading is built around unit themes and Big Ideas with each unit focusing on either a science or social studies topic. Teachers will teach reading strategies and provide students with strategies to access complex text through content-based selections, including National Geographic exclusives. Reach for Reading is also structured and flexible to adapt to the needs of individual classrooms and teaching philosophies. With Reach for Reading students will increase comprehension, fluency and knowledge through high-interest, age appropriate National Georaphic texts, videos, and images. All resources are also available through an interactive digital platform, myNGconnect, that includes eEditions, recording options for fluency, customizable lesson plans, eAssessment, and more.