Since the first century the Cross of Christ has been heralded as the centerpiece of the Christian faith. But, in spite of all the hymns sung, the sermons preached and the books written about the cross, if a survey were taken among Christians today it would likely show that a great majority have a very shallow understanding of Christ's death on the cross. In these modern times much of this is due to a lack of any real interest in religion, but much of it is also due to error and distortion of the facts. All this is such a travesty, there are so many important questions about the Cross of Christ people need to know the answer to that are either unasked or unanswered. That is what prompted the writing of this book. In this book we will go to the Cross of Christ and ask those questions, questions like: Who was Jesus who died? How was Jesus' death different from that of any other man who has sacrificed his life for the sake of others? Why did Jesus die that cruel death? Was it God who tortured and killed Jesus? Did Jesus really bear the sins of the whole world on the cross? How are we "saved" by Christ's death? And can a person be saved without Christ's death? You will find these questions and more clearly answered in this book with all the answers coming exclusively from the scriptures.