For thinning hair and male and female hair loss ~ restores natural hair growth - stimulates circulation!
Trichogen, Zinc & herbal extract combine for the strongest, most effective formula
Thickens hair for both men & women
Super growth hair treatment blocks DHT and enzymes that cause loss, shedding, and thinning
Prescription strength Trichogen (12%) and botanical extract formula. Super growth hair treatment blocks DHT and enzymes that cause loss! ProFolla Dermal An Advanced DHT Blocking Complex for Hair Loss and Thinning Hair Dermal An is a 12% concentrated Trichogen formula, Zinc and herbal extract combine for the strongest, most effective formula to block DHT enzyme production that leads to temporary hair loss. Clinically proven ingredients to help reduce hair loss and to stimulate hair growth. Dermal An from ProFolla Hair Products is a concentrated new hair growth stimulant for thinning hair and hair loss. This hair growth accelerant stimulates new hair growth and works effectively to block enzymatic DHT hormones. Dermal An is a topical application that reduces hair loss in men and women and thickens hair with no side effects. Applied to the scalp once per day, Dermal An blocks DHT, a major contributor to temporary hair loss and to more permanent hair loss if not treated. Simply massaged into the scalp, Dermal An acts quickly and effectively with Trichogen and herbal extracts such as Ginseng root extract, Arginine, Biotin, and Arctium Majus to simulate circulation and carry nutrients, proteins, and vitamins to the follicle root restoring natural hair growth. Male and some female hair loss are related to hormones that change from testosterone to dihydratestosterone or DHT. As DHT forms in the sebum gland and scalp, it attaches to the androgen receptors or predisposed follicle bulbs. DHT destroys the blood supply to the hair and will act to thin hair, cause fall out, and accelerate hair loss. Helps increase scalp circulation Blocks DHT with no side effects Effective to restore natural hair growth Over 90% of women that use the ingredients found in Dermal An have had great success.