Power & Authority to Destroy the Works of the Devil
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Power & Authority to Destroy the Works of the Devil
It is important to identify the dangerous times we live in. Most signs indicating the Second Coming of Christ have been fulfilled. One of them is that wickedness and rebellion would increase. It is difficult to deny that the present generation is the most rebellious the earth has ever seen. The cause of this rebellion is the spirit of antichrist which opposes God and every authority delegated by Him. The most important characteristic of the spirit of antichrist is living without law—refusing to submit to authority—not believing in authority. People are led by intimidation, fear, and control. The spirit of antichrist is in direct rebellion against God, His delegated authorities, His principles, His Word, His government, and His order. His direct plan is to usurp this authority, take over, and govern the earth. Satan continues having power on earth, but he no longer has authority. Jesus took it back! As a child of God, you are the one who has the power, and the devil only has the authority you give him when you sin. In the church, this spirit has divided whole congregations because the believers have lost the revelation of what legitimate authority means, of how to live under that authority, and of how to exercise it correctly. To exercise authority over Satan and his works, to submit him and cast him out, we cannot be in rebellion against God or His delegated authorities. Hence the reason we have leaders that are unable to rebuke a demon because the wicked spirits recognize authority, as well as the absence of it. Whether a mere believer or a pastor, they know that if a Christian is not under authority, this person has no authority over them.
But this is not the only problem facing this present generation. In addition to living in lawlessness, or without the revelation of it, it has also lost the power that the Early Church manifested to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom. In the Church of Christ, walking, experiencing, and demonstrating the supernatural power of God today seems to be something of the past because the people have learned to live without His power or presence. Christ is viewed in many religious circles as a historic figure; in others as a philosopher or a prophet; for many people, His miracles are a myth or a legend. In modern Christianity, the principles that Jesus taught are also being preached but without His miracles, signs, and wonders.
The Hollywood film industry produces movies promoting the supernatural demonic as if the spiritual world were mere fiction. In the meantime, the Church only offers entertainment based on human charisma and moral human regulations but without supernatural power. However, the Church of Christ should be the one to present the supernatural as something re- al, powerful, and genuine. The power of God is real and true. We can say with certainty that this generation needs to return to the supernatural power of God and His presence under the legitimate authority of the heavenly Father and His delegated authorities on earth.