This Is The 2nd Edition Of The Original Book. It has been retitled from: An Indo-Malay Martial Art: Pencak Silat Pertempuran Volume 1 to Pencak Silat Pertempuran: Vol. 1. There is also a new cover. About The Book: This is a Perfect bound soft cover book over 350 pp. It is specifically created for those who study the martial art of pencak silat known as Pencak Silat Pertempuran and contains many photos and detailed explanations of the material. An excellent resource about the ferocious art of pencak silat. Pencak Silat is probably best known worldwide for its use of weapons, specifically, bladed weapons of all types, sizes, and variations. That said it is also a martial art that is rich in culture and artistic elements. The first book of a series to address this particular style of Pencak Silat and detail some of its physical manifestations, theories, and principles. It is also one of a few books written in English to address pencak silat at all.