Coming up with the right name isn€t always easy. Sometimes it takes a bit of inspiration to guide you to the name that€s best for you.
That€s where Pen Name comes in.
Pen Name will:
Help You Discover Your Pen Name You need inspiration to find the perfect name, and this guide is chock full of it. Not only that, but it also gives you more than 100 specific name examples you could adopt as your own pen name.
Guide You Through Choosing The Perfect Name There are 6 things you should consider when analyzing each of your pen name possibilities, before you officially decide on it. These 6 things can make or break your perfect pen name.
Show You How Published Authors Do It The guide contains a mini-profile of a published author who uses a pen name, and she offers up her best tips for successfully using and marketing your new name.
Answer The Burning Questions On Your Mind Is it legal to use a pen name? Is it ethical? What do I do about my picture? Get answers to these frequently asked questions and others.
Make Finding Your Perfect Name Easy Once you have your list of potential pen names, the worksheets will walk you through figuring out exactly which name on your potential list is the perfect one for you.
This eGuide even has an additional use: as a tool for helping you name your fictional characters. Which means once you have your perfect pen name, you will still get value out of this guide the next time you use it.