This edition has both the Greek and English texts side-by-side, and is designed for scholar and layman alike. Both Ivan Panin’s Greek critical text and his English translation are of the highest caliber and both rank at the top their respective fields. The Editors have felt that great service can be provided in putting together a companion edition suitable for researcher and reader alike. It is difficult to summarize Panin’s work because most know him only as the investigator into Numerics. A brief biography is given in the Preface, so here suffice it to say that Panin was a literary scholar fully competent to translate the Scriptures and determine textual readings with or without Numerics. The discovery of Numerics and the subsequent willingness to devote a lifetime to the systematic study of it was most fortuitously done by one of perhaps a handful qualified for such an undertaking. A perusal of his other works will quickly demonstrate that Ivan Panin’s keen mind and penchant for leaving no stone unturned, combined with an alarmingly stringent diligence, produced an ideal marriage between overwhelming task and undaunted courage. The Editors are pleased to present for the first time his English and Greek together.