Your feline friends won't be able to resist these fun RATTLING feather tail furry mice!They will provide hours of fun and exercise and are a healthy outlet for your cat's natural hunting instinct.
The mice come sealed in plastic from the factory, each with colorful feathers for a tail, felt nose, ears, eyes and measures approximately 4 to 4.5 inches long from tail tip to nose tip. Don't forget that these mice Rattle, unlike many of the other mice found on Amazon.Cats just LOVE fur, feathers and sound while they play.
I have been buying mice at the pet store for years and years. What I like about them is that they are cute, cheap and the cats love them. Our cats really go wild with them and lose them all the time. They turn up under the stove, refrigerator, couch, tables, chairs, book case, washer, dryer, behind closet doors.... With such a loss rate I buy a lot. Now you can crawl on your hands and knees while trying to fish these little mice out from under all your household items too! And for a great price per mouse!