Thin spring steel tips provide convenient interproximal access. Solid ultrathin resin handle allows for ultimate tactile sensitivity. Made in USA.
We combine shipping. You pay only ONE small shipping charge for all products purchased from us. Exceptional Quality and Value priced hand instruments for dental, oral hygiene, surgical, veterinary, craft and hobby use. All products are made with the finest quality materials.
Preferred by dentists, dental hygienists, dental schools, laboratories and other oral health practitioners in over 60 countries. WE SHIP WORLDWIDE. Our line of high quality dental instruments and precision tools are used in many applications including: Dentistry, Surgery, Veterinary , Scientific Laboratories, Forensic Lab, Industrial Companies, Crafts and by Hobbyists.
choose from thousands of quality dental products from Brite Sources USA. Send us an email if you have any questions about our products or have larger quantity or multiple items requirements. We also offer BULK purchase program to educational institutions, new practice set-ups, distributors and non-for-profit organizations.
This is a stock item. Product is shipped within 1-3 business days. If unexpectedly, a product is on back order, it may take longer to ship the product. However, the Seller will inform its customers immediately with a choice to cancel or hold the order until shipped. We pride in taking care of our customers.