Get this options trading guide book today for just $0.99. Regularly priced at $4.99. Read on your PC, Mac, smart phone, tablet or Kindle device.
Options are fascinating and extremely flexible financial instruments that can be used to accomplish a variety of different investment objectives such as trading directionally, hedging and protecting a stock position, generating recurring and consistent income, trading around market events, profiting from changes in volatility and more.
However, in order to use options most effectively, an investor must have a solid understanding of exactly what options are and how they work.
In this special edition 'BiteSizedOptions' options trading book you will learn…
* The Iron Butterfly * The Options Greek 'Theta' * 'Mini' Options * Weekly Options * Quadruple Witching * Adjusting Iron Condors * Holiday Trading; How To Keep From Being The Market's Turkey * FREE BONUS OPTION TRAINING VIDEOS
Download this book today for a limited time discount of only $0.99!
‘Bite Sized Options’ was created to provide short, simple, ‘bite-sized’, easy to understand trainings on the different aspects and concepts involved with options trading.
Having personally gone through a ton of different options trading books and training courses, I was always frustrated to find most of them to be overwhelming with the large amount of technical and complex information crammed into each one.
When it came down to it, what I really preferred was to find simple, short, easy to read and easy to understand trainings on the various aspects of trading options. NOT gigantic encyclopedia sized manuals full of confusing theory, jargon and text that I couldn’t understand.
And after asking around, I found that a lot of other option traders - from both beginners to intermediate to the more advanced - said that they would prefer the same thing.
So, BiteSizedOptions was born with that specific goal in mind - to provide short, simple, easy to digest, ‘bite sized’ trainings that explain the various concepts and aspects of options trading in a clear and concise way.
I truly do hope you find the information and format helpful - and once again I want to thank you for downloading and reading this book.
Good Trading !
Carter Grant
Get this options trading guide book today for just $0.99. Regularly priced at $4.99. Read on your PC, Mac, smart phone, tablet or Kindle device.