When hell claws its way up from the dark depths of the earth, and the dead begin to walk, for most it can only mean one thing—death. But for some, the zombie apocalypse is only the beginning of a dark yet brave new life for them.
For some, the apocalypse offers freedom from their burdens. For others it’s a deeper torment and more unforgiving life than they ever thought possible. And for others, it’s a disguise to hide their crimes.
The coward, the street rat, the hero, and the lovers, everyone has their place. What really decides your fate in this new existence, nature, or nurture? Who people become when the world goes to hell is the true decider on someone’s humanity, and will ultimately decide your fate.
Forever changed, these people have to learn to adapt to this dangerous and dark new world before they become one of the living dead themselves.
Odium Origins 1.5 is a 50’000 word novella to accompany the full length novel Odium. The Dead Saga.
Series reading order:
Odium 0.5 is a prequel to the series and can be read either before or after Odium I Odium I Odium 1.5 Odium II Odium 2.5 Odium III Odium 3.5 coming soon
Other books by Claire C. Riley
Odium The Dead Saga Series - zompoc Odium Origins Series - zompoc Limerence (The Obsession Series) dark-paranormal urban romance Out of the Dark Series, - dystopian post-apocalyptic thriller Twisted Magic - urban fantasy paranormal romance Thicker than Blood series co-authored with USA Today bestselling author Madeline Sheehan - post-apocalyptic romance Shut Up & Kiss me - co-authored with USA Today bestselling author Madeline Sheehan - contemporary romance The Path Between the Stars - co-authored with speculative fiction author Eli Constant - dystopian post-apocalyptic romance Plus many anthology contributions