This work contains a collection of arcane material ranging from fringe mathematics and science to the world of the psychic and the realm of philosophy. Unlike some texts, which cover only those topics from the generally spiritual or the completely secular, this work seeks to unite both under one cover. Important here is the concept of the cycle, and oscillation, and the overarching ideal of "as above, so below" so often regarded as a spiritual singularity, which should instead be seen as a connection strictly, without bias, between the spiritual world and the physical one. When these concepts; that of the cycle, and of correlation, are applied to prophecy, and to tales of the end times, a greater system is made apparent; one overlooked by most Western occultism and, indeed, much of that from the East. From society and politics to religion and mysticism, this work attempts to draw all forms of human experience together and to quantify them in as easily understood a way as possible, while denigrating not one iota of its content.