A century since the departure of the Gods, the Three Nations are now united beneath the Tsar. Magic has been outlawed, its power too dangerous to remain unchecked. All Magickers must surrender themselves to the crown, or face imprisonment and death.
Alana's mundane life has just been torn apart by the emergence of her brother's magic. Now they must leave behind everything they’ve ever known and flee – before the Tsar’s Stalkers pick up their trail. Tasked with hunting down renegade Magickers, the merciless hunters will stop at nothing to bring them before the Tsar’s judgement.
As the noose closes around Alana and her brother, disgraced hero Devon finds himself at odds with the law when he picks a fight with the wrong man. The former warrior has set aside his weapons, but now, caught between the renegades and the Stalkers, he is forced to pick a side – the empire, or the innocent.
Grab this all new epic fantasy novel by NYTimes Bestselling Author Aaron Hodges.
Author Interview
What made you start writing epic fantasy novels? Well, growing up on a steady diet of David Eddings and Christopher Paolini (and later George R. R. Martin), this has always been the genre I most identified with. That classic quest, with a young man setting out to conquer the world, resonated with me as a young reader. As an adult, I wanted to give that idea a darker twist though. And thus, the Sword of Light trilogy was born.
Who would enjoy this novel? Anyone with a taste for the dark and gritty side of fantasy, particularly readers of authors such as Brandon Sanderson and David Gemmell. If you like happy endings and heroic escapes where everyone makes it out alive, this might not be the story for you!