Considering debt settlement? Use this extremely inexpensive way to do your own negotiating and settling of your credit card debt. Free yourself from debt slavery! Save yourself hundreds, even thousands of dollars with this very informative book.
This book contains sample Debt Settlement Letters to the Credit Card Companies, Instructions on the timelines necessary, How and when to start negotiating with your creditors, What happens for each month you go late, Sample Credit Repair Letters, Information about the Statute of Limitations and FDCPA, Information about the IRS Debt Forgiveness laws including Insolvency and Recent debt settlement letters of the authors from Bank of America for 20 cents on the dollar. ALSO INCLUDED IS A LIST OF WHAT THE BANKS ARE ACCEPTING AS SETTLEMENTS AS OF DECEMBER 2012. These are easy, simple to follow steps, which allow you to take back control of your financial future. Take action on your credit card debt today and discover the secrets the debt settlement companies and banks don't want you to know!