The adventures of Nate Grisham continue in Whispers the Wind. Nate's former trapping patrner, One Finger Sisson, is out for revenge. A dozen years back he and Nate were forced to choose between dying at the hands of a Pawnee war party or leaving behind an entire year's harvest of beaver pelts. The Pawnee had made it clear at the time either surrender the plew taken from the tribe's streams, or die. His friend wanted to fight, but the 20 to one odds didn't look good to Nate, so he gave the plew away. They'd been left with nothing. The tribe had also taken their horses, guns, and supplies. And they were forced to walk a hundred miles to Butterfield's so they could get a grubstake for the coming trapping season. Sisson had sworn to kill Nate then, but he'd simply been run off. Nate found it hard to believe a man who he once called friend wanted to kill him so badly he'd kidnapped his wife. But his wife, Mist, is no ordinary squaw...she has powers of sight and is what the idians call a 'seer'. She will use this gift to her advantage, until Nate can track and rescue her.
Full of mountain man adventure and thrills in the wild western plains, this new chapter of Nate Grisham will not disappoint fans of this great series.
About the Author W.R. Benton is a retired United States military senior non-commissioned officer (E-8). He is a graduate of a number of U.S. Air Force Survival Schools, including Arctic, Water (Sea and Ocean), Mountain, and Jungle survival schools. He spent twelve years teaching parachuting techniques and survival skills to Air Force aircrew members as a Life Support Instructor.
Mr. Benton currently works as a freelance Wilderness Survival and Outdoor writer for a number of North American Magazines (Buck Masters, Modern Survival, Big Game Hunt, and many others).