Over 1900 flash cards help to learn the multiplication facts from 0 x 0 = 0 to 10 x 10 = 100. Progressive organization aids in learning. The flash cards begin with the numbers 0 thru 5, with one number at a time for learning, and then 0 thru 5 mixed for practice. The next set introduces 6 thru 10 times 0 thru 5, followed by 6 thru 10 times 6 thru 10. The next section focuses on one number at a time multiplied by 0 thru 10 (but not in order). The last 700 flash cards include mixed practice from 0 thru 10.
The flash cards are shuffled (except in the beginning sections where students learn the facts one at a time). With over 1900 flash cards, there is ample multiplication practice.