Well now let me see, what poor unsuspecting fairy or elf can I scare the bejeebers out of today in the fairy garden? Unk the Troll is trying to decide if he should muster up the energy to scare wee people as they are crossing over the bridge he lives underneath, or if he should just go back under the bridge and take a nap. Unk has a boulder shaped noggin with a pointy chin and pointed ears that flap over like a puppy dog's. His uneven black eyes appear as if they spend a lot of time rolling around his empty head like marbles. Unk has his idle arms and hands pulled into his chest as if he is contemplating jumping out and scaring the next passerby to trek over the fairy garden bridge. I wonder if the saying, "cold hands, warm heart" applies to Unk the Troll. (Note: Miniatures are small items that pose potential choking hazards to small children. They are not toys. Any accessories pictured are not included, for illustrative purposes only.)