Since Lucifer's revolt, there has always been a war raging against good and evil. God created for man a perfect world without sin and death, but Satan came and tempted Adam causing the fall of man. Since then, Satan has used mankind to attempt to destroy God's plan to save humanity through our Saviour, Jesus Christ. This book, "Men Rule...But God Overrules" is a stark awakening to what is happening today in the world of politics and religion. There is a New World Order being ushered in by the enemies of the Cross and they will stop at nothing to gain absolute and total control of the world as we know it. The desire for world domination is nothing new but the means by which it will be accomplished have become so covert that the blinded people of the world will never suspect that they will soon become slaves to the world system. The Bible spells it all out, "For anyone who has ears to hear..."