Book highlights
Explore the most common age-related vision problem. Presbyopia is a condition that causes you to hold reading materials further away. Get the latest information on correcting this condition.
Antioxidant vitamins may reduce the risk of macular degeneration. Get Mayo Clinic's take on antioxidants and other prevention strategies for macular degeneration, the leading cause of blindness in Americans older than age 65.
Using eyedrops to reduce pressure. Glaucoma, if left undetected, can rob you of your sight starting with your peripheral vision and eventually leading to blindness. Yet if diagnosed early, damage often can be prevented or slowed with the use of eyedrops to reduce pressure within the eye.
Cataract surgery. See if you're a candidate for surgery. Cataracts, the clouding of your normally clear lens, are the leading cause of low vision in the United States. With age, almost everyone experiences cataracts to some degree.
Changes in eyelid tissues or muscles may progress to the point where they begin to irritate the eye or impair vision. Surgery may correct the problem.
Dealing with dry eyes. Tear production and tear quality decrease with age, causing stinging, burning and scratchiness in the eyes.