Even the best-equipped woodworker sometimes needs a special tool or set-up to handle a particular task. You could scratch your head for hours trying to come up with a solution - or you can open this new book, packed with ingenious ideas, and find the aid or device you need right away. The ideas range from simple jigs, marking aids and holding devices to more complex machining aids and specialist tools so that you can eliminate difficult procedures, speed up time-consuming and repetitive jobs, and remove costly material waste. You can even avoid purchasing high-priced special-purpose equipment by using tools you already own as you work with the easy-to-make aids for sawbench, lathe, drill (and more) included here. Robert Wearing, a professional furniture-maker and teacher, has dealt with just about every tricky situation that comes up in a workshop and shares the "tricks of the trade" of a lifetime in this fascinating compendium. You'll find 200 woodworking aids, tools and devices, each fully explained and illustrated with easy-to-follow line drawings in this valuable addition to any home or professional workbench,