As the clock strikes, you hear familiar holiday sounds or melodies every hour on the hour.
No matter which holiday is featured, familiar songs or sounds relative to the holiday selected will automatically play.
The clock magically knows to play your holiday favorites, such as “Deck the Halls”, “Church Bells”, “Yankee Doodle” or “Ghostly Wails
When the holidays have ended, simply insert the included non-holiday face.
Requires 3 “AA” batteries (not included).
Includes 4 interchangeable holiday clock faces (christmas, patriotic, halloween and easter) with 12 corresponding hourly songs/sounds
Non-holiday clock face also included for year round use (no sound triggered)
Includes all 5 clock faces conveniently and neatly store in the clock housing
Electronic sensor silences the sound when the room is dark
Interchangeable holiday clock with five different faceplates announces the hour with one of 12 different songs/sounds for each occasion. Change the faceplate for Easter, Patriotic, Halloween, and Christmas, and the sounds automatically change too!
Also includes a decorative non-holiday (no sounds) faceplate so you can enjoy your clock year round. Built-in storage compartment holds plates not in use. Light sensor deactivates the sounds when room is dark.
Uses 3 AA batteries, not included. 12" diameter. Plastic.