Speed reading is easier to learn than you may think. Because your subconscious mind stores everything you ever see in crystal clear detail, whether you realize it or not, you are already speed reading with photographic memory.
Unfortunately, instead of storing these memories in an organized filing system, it often tosses them all into one big pile. So learning to consciously recall anything you've ever seen in exact detail is simply a matter of accessing this huge database of unconscious memories in a more organized and controlled manner.
Now you can subliminally reprogram your subconscious mind to store large chunks of words in a more organized fashion, and provide your conscious mind with easier access when needed. This will allow you to photograph entire pages at once and, with practice, consciously recall everything you've ever read.
After just a few short sessions, you will find yourself reading faster and remembering more. With continued use of this subliminal album your reading speed will skyrocket!
Why More People Trust SpeedZen Subliminals
At SpeedZen we strive to provide the best subliminal CDs available. Every day, more and more people choose SpeedZen as their trusted source for subliminal learning aids because we provide:
The Best Music
Each of our subliminal CDs contains unique and engaging music, combined with brainwave entrainment technology to give you the most pleasurable listening experience possible. The meditative trance induced by our powerful music provides all the known health benefits of deep meditation every time you listen, and increases the effectiveness of our subliminal messages tenfold.
Real Subliminal Messages for Real Results
From day one our goal was to create a subliminal messaging system that could be proven to work. And we already knew that the existing silent methods could never withstand scientific scrutiny.
So how do we embed our subliminal messages into the music in a way that still bypasses the conscious mind to fully penetrate the subconscious?
We've developed a unique mixing method that actually blends, or weaves the spoken words into the music itself. You can still hear the words, but to the conscious mind they seem like part of the music. This is important because anything your ears can't hear, such as ultrasonic or silent messages, won't be received by your subconscious mind either. Beware of subliminal CD providers that tell you otherwise.