This replacement part fits Lane and many major recliner brands. This D Pull style handle has the standard 1.5" long by 2.75" wide D shaped handle. The 6 hole plate at the neck of the D-Pull is 1.25" long and 1.625" wide (SCREWS NOT INCLUDED). The cable from the collar below the handle to the end of the oval tip is 24.75". From the start of the exposed wire (at the end of the silver barrel fitting) to the oval shaped ending is 2.5" long. The exposed wire with the barrel measures 3.375" long. The total assembly measures 27" in length. This cable handle is a pull type or sometimes called a parachute or "D" handle. This is used on reclining furniture that has the handle in between the seat and the arm (you reach down beside the seat cushion and pull this up). The critical measurement for D pull assemblies is the exposed wire and the cable length from the mounting plate to the exposed wire. The cable can be as long or longer than your current cable and works equally well with or without a spring on the exposed wire. The excess cable will just hide inside your sofa. But the exposed wire length, clip style and ending tip is critical. For any DIY project, measurements and fittings are very important. The exposed wire and ending shape are critical for the proper operation of the footrest mechanism of your reclining furniture. Please remove the broken or damaged handle and save any screws or attachment pieces. Carefully observe the attachment of the exposed wire to the footrest release mechanism and the position of the mounting clip when removing the handle. There are several lengths of cables and exposed wires as well as mounting plate, clip, and ending shapes.