Kokoro no Te, translated into English as "handmade from the heart," is the philosophy behind this enchanting collection of small, high-fashion craft projects that have a distinctive Japanese flair. Featuring purses, pins, sewing accoutrements, and the author's amazing temari balls, the 30 original hand-sewn designs combine surprisingly simple techniques with exquisite colors and fabrics, allowing sewers to create lavish objets d'art easily and inexpensively. A delightful and original array of fashion pins, brooches, purses, and keepsake pouches creatively combine silks, cottons, and soft felts with delicate beading and embroidery. A pattern for a doll-sized kimono is included along with designs for pin cushions, thimbles, and a needle cache. The sensational color photographs and line drawings show multiple points of view for each project and show precisely how each artful, stylish, and charming piece comes together.