Mandolinists who wish to expand their improvisational vocabulary and spice up theirrhythm accompaniment are invited to try some Jazz Mandolin Appetizers. This book andaccompanying audio, prepared by chef Don Stiernberg, include a batch of etudes thataddress the challenges every improvising mandolinist faces. These include commonissues such as selecting notes that sound good with chord progressions and findingthem on the fretboard.In the first section, new melodies are presented for chord progressions that are oftenplayed at swing and jazz jam sessions. These tunes will benefit players of any style.Concepts are discussed at the beginning of each tune such as harmonic analysis andthe effects of certain intervals (useful groups of tones). The tablature suggestsfingerings for the melodies.The chordal section shows how chords and progressions can be made more interestingby adding color, tension and movement. Chord substitution is also demonstrated.Working through this section will prepare the player with commonly played progressionsand will expand their chord voicing vocabulary up and down the neck. Lastly, a study ofchord-melody style playing is presented. Playing the melody and harmony at the sametime yields full sounding solo arrangements.Don Stiernberg is a leading proponent of the jazz mandolin style. He has eight availablerecordings, performs coast to coast and abroad, writes a column for Mandolin Magazineand teaches at several mandolin events.