They€re out there, preying on humanity like farmers culling a herd. They enspell, enslave and then feed on our daughters, our brothers, our parents, our lovers. And nobody notices €• but us. We€ll be enough, though. We€ll cast those creatures of the night into the flames. A Chronicle Book for Hunter: The Vigil„ € An intense look into how the timeless Vigil and the immortal vampires come together in an eternal struggle. € A look into how each compact and conspiracy deals with the callous depredations of vampire society. Also details new compacts and conspiracies (including the hunters of the Cainite Heresy). € For vampire-hunters, a gaggle of new Tactics, Merits and Endowments (including the Cainite Heresy€s Rites of Denial). For Storytellers, a €œbuild-your-own€ vampire section featuring new options to apply old folklore. € Philadelphia by Night: the City of Brotherly Love is besieged by the eternal struggle of vampire versus vampire, hunter versus hunter, and everybody versus everybody.