Chapters include: Introduction • Benefits of Being an Author • Deciding on Your Topic • Get the Cover Designed First • Done is Better than Perfect • Creating the Right Environment • Your Outline: The Key to Getting Your Book Written FAST • Index Card System • Motel 6 Method • Speak It: Record a Spoken Version of Your Material • Having Someone Else Write the Book • Deciding on Whether or Not to Self-Publish • Conclusion • Resources
***This ARTICLE is intended for anyone looking to write a NON-FCTION book. Although some items may be helpful to fiction writers, it is not directed to them. If you're a fiction writer, I apologize, but I'm not sure you'll find much here for you!***
Please note that this is an ARTICLE. It's about 3,000 words in length. But don't be fooled. It is PACKED with immediately useable information about how to get a book written FAST. No fluff, all meat! If you want a lot of war stories about how great the author is, this book is NOT for you. If, on the other hand you want a SYSTEM to get a book written PRONTO, buy it!
You want to write a non fiction book. Great! What's holding you up? Why isn't it written yet? Don't worry about your answers. You are NOT alone.
There are a lot of people who are in the same situation you're in. You have something valuable to say, but you can't seem to get it down on paper. NO problem. That's where this article comes in.
I've been in your shoes. I've also coached a LOT of people over the last 25 years to get their books written. The system worked for them and it will work for you as well.
My name is Fred Gleeck. I've written about 20 full length books and a massive number of articles and blog posts.
Here is what this article talks about:
* Benefits YOU receive as an author - why you should write your book * Deciding on YOUR topic if you don't have one * Why you should ALWAYS get your cover designed first before writing * Your single biggest obstacle in getting your book written and how to overcome it * Developing a full outline before you start writing * Understanding and using my INDEX CARD SYSTEM * The Motel 6 Method and how you can use it to write a book faster * Ways to write your book without writing * Deciding on how to publish your work - an important financial decision * Resources every publisher should have * And a lot more!
This article is not about how to PUBLISH. Although I discuss that briefly. If you want information on THAT topic, refer to my other Kindle book: Publishing for Maximum Profit.
This article is about how to get your book written FAST! That's it, that's all! If you want to get your book written NOW, this is the article to get.