WARNING: This edition reproduces the spelling and wording of the original printings of KJV in 1611; it is very different from the KJV Bibles that you typically see in the bookstores (also available from OSNOVA for the Kindle: ASIN B004IEAA4K). However, this Kindle edition is in Roman type (the original 1611 KJV was in blackletter or Gothic script), has no ſ, ƈ, italics or translators' notes (except for the prefatory material), and no upside-down semicolons (which were used instead of modern question marks). Please do not report typos or errors unless you are confident that the spelling or error did not appear in either of the 1611 printings of KJV Bible.
Here is John 3:16 as it was printed in 1611: Iohn 3.16 ¶ For God so loued ye world, that he gaue his only begotten Sonne: that whosoeuer beleeueth in him, should not perish, but haue euerlasting life.
Some observations on the spelling of 1611 KJV: Word spelling was very different and "fluid" and could change for the same word even in the same verse. Letter "u" stood for modern "u" and "v" except when it was capital or at the beginning of a word (then "v" stood for both "u" and "v"). No apostrophes. There was no letter "j", instead "i" stood for both modern "i" and "j". Some letters were upside down; for example, "thy Naɯe" in Ps. 74:7 or aud (= and) in Isa. 5:13 and Acts 3:7 Printers felt free to omit letters to fit the text in the available space and demonstrated the missing letters as follows: nÅ«ber = number vpÅ = upon strÅg voyce = strong voice whÄ“ = when
Other examples: y followed by superscript e = the y followed by superscript t = that w followed by superscript t = with
Features of this version of the KJV Bible:
- Direct Verse Jump and Direct Verse Jump 2, two revolutionary new methods to open the exact verse you need in mere seconds (see below) - two other ways to navigate between books and chapters: (i) using a hyperlinked table of contents; and (ii) pressing the joystick right or left to move between books and chapters of the Bible. Once you learn all four navigation methods, you will be able to open any verse in your Kindle Bible as fast as (or even faster than) in the paper Bible - The text of this electronic edition is painstakingly verified to be true to the 1611 KJV edition; we used the following Bible editions: a KJV 1611 facsimile and the reprint of the 1611 printing by Oxford in 1833 - original text, book titles carefully preserved (for example, see the notes at the end of the Paul's epistles, which are found in the original KJV, also look at Ps. 119) - easy to determine where you are in the Bible - as any Kindle book, the KJV Bible is searchable; however, when you first install the file please wait for the Kindle to index the whole Bible (most of the time about 10 minutes; however, sometimes up to 8-10 hours). The file is large and it takes a long time to index.
Direct Verse Jump 2: an innovative way to jump to any verse:
While reading your OSNOVA Bible, (1) press "Menu", (2) then select "Index", (3) type an exact abbreviation for the book name that is found in the table of contents, (4) space, then chapter number, another space, and finally the verse number; (5) press enter (for example "jn 3 16").
NOTE: Many features of this publication will not work on Kindle 1, software Kindles such as Kindles for PC, iPad, iPhone, Blackberry or Android. This edition is not TTS(text-to-speech)-friendly due to the way TTS works on the Kindle.