Since the publication of LA rt du Chant the invention of the laryngoscope and fifty years of additional experience have naturally enabled me to acquire many fresh ideasy and also to clear up all my pre-existing doubts. The result of this I now offer to the public in as concise and clear a form as I have found possible. The study of the physiology of the voice has been greatly facilitated by the use ot the laryngoscope. This instrument, by laying bare the interior of the larynx, shows how the glottis proceeds to produce sounds and roisters. It shows, also the manner in which the ringing and veiled qualities arc communicated to the voice. These qualities produced by the glottis are distinct from the characteristics of the voice called timbres and are originated in the pharynx by quite another mechanism. All this should dispel jnany false ideas afloat on the question of voice production. I introduce a few anatomical figures to facilitate my explanations. The study of the anatomy and physiolcy of the vocal organs is not indispensable to the pupil, but might be most useful to the teacher. It will enable him, when a defect is to be amended, to detect the organ which is at fault, and to suggest the proper correction. Traits Complet dc TArt du Chant, par Manuel Garcia. (Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.)
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