A Disc world game adventure based on the books of Sir Terry Pratchett
2 to 6 players, ages 12 and up
Art by Stephen Player
NJD410401 Guards Guards A Discworld Board Game Ninja Division
Guards! Guards! is an action packed, Discworld game adventure based on the books of Sir Terry Pratchett. It is set in the streets of Ankh-Morpork, the Discworlds oldest, grubbiest and least law-abiding city. Secret societies, rampaging trolls, cut throat street sellers and an 800 pound set of luggage thundering around the city on hundreds of tiny legs.
In the game Guards Guards players are tasked to collect and return five of the missing Great Spells to the University. Each player selects one of four Guilds to infiltrate, Thieves, Assassins, Alchemists or Fools. Their chosen Guild card will give them a specific selection of the Great Spells to collect and grants them a unique Guild Ability which can be used to hinder their opponents. It is also used to mark the players Charm, Guild and Magic abilities, which can be developed throughout the game.
Time is short, so rather than returning each Spell in person, the players have been granted the power to recruit the good, and not so good, inhabitants of the city to act as guards and runners to protect and return the Spells to the University.
Players: 2 to 6 Playing time: 120 to 180 minutes Ages: 11 and up