This short e-book covers the basics of ice skating for the sport of hockey including;
Forward & Backward Skating
Stops & Starts
Hand Placement
After reading this book you will be able to;
Understand the Mechanics of the Skating Stride
Incorporate the 4 Step Method Into Your Practice
Break Common Bad Habits of Skaters
Become a More Efficient & Effective Skater
A Tidbit From the Author
Skating is the most integral part of hockey. It separates hockey from the other major sports with this skill alone. Being competent in the skill allows you to play hockey. Improving and mastering the art of skating will allow you to excel at hockey. This book uses a very structure specific way for teaching the basics of the skating stride. It is based off of common principles taught to me in hockey camps, lessons from a figure skating coach and camps I have instructed. It is part of a two part series with part 1 covering the basic maneuvers.I hope you enjoy reading it as much I enjoyed writing it!