Sail into the magical world of Rainbow Zahramay to meet Minu, the Flower Sprite who uses Flower Magic to make the gardens of Zahramay Falls bloom and grow!
Includes Shimmer, Shine and Minu all dressed as Flower Sprites—outfits are complete with clip-on wings.
Dolls each stand approximately 15 cm (6in) and come with a hair comb and a sticker sheet
Flower Power! When Shimmer & Shine, travel beyond Zahramay Falls to Rainbow Zahramay, they meet a fun Flower Sprite named Minu! She uses Flower Magic to make the gardens of Rainbow Zahramay bloom and grow! This doll pack includes everything your little genie needs to create their own magical adventures—including Shimmer, Shine and Minu all dressed in their Flower Sprite outfits, complete with sparkly, clip-on wings! Each doll stands approximately 15 cm (6in) and features soft ponytails little genies can style with the included comb. Also included is a Flower Sprite sticker sheet.