RX is the elite pilot of an experimental spaceship, owned by an orbital military corp. During the intergalactic war, he's sent to attack the enemy's space station but accidentally crash-lands on an unknown planet, where the real trouble begins...
Rescued by mysterious colonists, RX now has to deal with their strange way of life and their dangerous technology. His fight for survival leads him to the discovery of the colony’s dark secret—the key to the entire war.
Fear The Liberator is a space opera thriller, set in a future where human factions face catastrophic challenges colonizing the rims of the Milky Way Galaxy.
"This Sci-fi epic has got it all. Star fighters, action, intrigue, food printers." ~ Cotey Bucket.
"If you like sci-fi, adventure, suspense, and loads of twists then you'll want this book. It really is that good." ~ Brandon Stewart.