In the third installment of their FAST series, Hugh Carpenter and Teri Sandison have taken up that perennial challenge—how to develop a repertoire of quick work-night dinners. At the end of a long day, few of us have time to pore over long, complicated recipes. Hugh and Teri offer the perfect antidote—recipes with short ingredient lists and concise instructions that don't sacrifice flavor in the pursuit of efficiency. Drawing on culinary influences from around the globe, FAST ENTRÉES features mouthwatering recipes for fish, shellfish, poultry, pork, beef, pasta, and wraps. Indulge yourself with Roast Salmon with Thai Coconut Sauce, Spicy Mussels with Roasted Red Peppers, Chicken with Herb-Mustard Marinade, Pasta with Orange and Toasted Sesame Seeds, or Spicy Beef Chili in Pita Bread. With such an array of flavors to choose from, FAST ENTRÉES will equip you with meals tailored to the seasons and your tastes, all brought to the table in the flash of a pan.• Includes 24 food photographs and over 75 spot photos. • The FAST series has over 70,000 copies in print.