Eleven Days, thef ollow-up to 2013's acclaimed A Dark Redemption (New York Times, New Yorker, NPR), follows DI Jack Carrigan and DS Geneva Miller as they investigate a vicious fire that engulfs a quiet convent in West London. There were ten nuns in residence--their bodies discovered behind a locked door--and an eleventh body in the chapel. Who is this stranger, and who would target a group of nuns in a wealthy residential neighborhood? Battling church hierarchy and internal politics, Carrigan and Miller must parse through a vast network that reaches back to the early 1970s South America and the onset of the Liberation Theology movement, proving that these nuns are far more radical than first meets the eye. Meanwhile, a vicious new criminal element--possibly related to the convent fire--makes its presence felt in the streets of London. Eleven days before Christmas, Carrigan and Miller are in a race against time to solve a case that spans four decades and two continents, while contending with a homegrown threat that leaves the Met gasping for breath.