Police Chief Dexter Lowe enjoys his humdrum job in the sleepy little town of Gator Creek, Florida, until a kidnapper begins terrorizing the local women. FBI Special Agent Teddi McCoy arrives to help him hunt down the mysterious kidnapper. After failing to secure any leads, they are forced to recruit the FBI’s ace-in-the-hole psychic from the Louisiana Bayou, Jackson “Swamp Jack†LaFevre.
Aided by the eccentric LaFevre’s remarkable visions, they track the kidnapper to an isolated island on the eastern edge of the Florida Everglades. A key with an eerie and violent past. Demon Key. A place where the kidnapper’s victims have mysteriously vanished. Forever.
As they finally discover, the kidnapper is the least of their problems when the key reveals its greatest horror . . . a sinister creature so powerful and vile that Gator Creek’s only hope of survival . . . must come from the past.
about Demon Key . . .
"Things are different in Florida and David Brookover shows why. What is found on the island is . . . sinister. The style of writing is much like James Patterson with its short chapters and pacing. The characters are realistic with dialogue that crackles." - Midwest Book Review
about David Brookover . . .
“His stories race along with characters that are believable, while the writing is tense, like reading a Stephen King or Dean Koontz.†– Midwest Book Review
“Brookover excels at writing tense scenes that pull the reader through – and his rich, fast-moving intricate plots only help this.†– Writer’s Digest