"Green Metal Street sign 24"L x 6"H" Custom Street Sign, with any text or name you want on one side. Any abbreviation BLVD, WAY, ST. etc... if desired. Pick the color you would like the LETTERING to be. Sign backgound is green. Include what you would like on the sign (type it exactly how you want it to read) Please leave a message at the link below on the you would like on your sign. https://www.amazon.com/ss/help/contact/?_encoding=UTF8&marketplaceID=ATVPDKIKX0DER&ref_=v_sp_contact_seller&sellerID=A3TL9YYEBZF3SG type the name exactly as you want it written on the sign (letters are all white capitals) This is made from .040" thick, 24" x 6 " sturdy aluminum metal that is just like what is used in actual street signs. ~Custom Orders are Our Specialty~