Once you have become familiar with the parts of the basic circular knitting machine and the essential techniques of starting a web, adjusting stitch size, and reversing; you will probably have many questions about yarns, sizes, patterns, and the capabilities of the ribbing attachment. Explore the theory of circular sock machine (CSM) knitting so that you can work beyond the basics, creating socks that fit your unique needs.These instructions are intended for use with a stationary cylinder circular knitting machine, capable of reversing, and having needles that can be isolated or removed from the machine. Much of the information will also apply to rotating cylinder circular knitting machines of similar design. These machines are more advanced than the general class of plastic hobby knitters.This book will not replace the original machine manuals for information about specific threading and assembly instructions for each model. It will, however, help clarify a great deal of the ideas presented in those manuals. Project ideas have been included with a few very specific patterns. This is not intended as a pattern book. Use the theory provided to adapt those instructions for your special products.