In the year XX, the human population exhausted the world’s resources, leading to cataclysmic environment changes and the imminent extinction of all life on the planet. Frantic space exploration became the world's focus, but failed to find a new world for the human race. In desperation, humanity went digital. Minds were scanned, encoded, and transferred to the virtual world of Grandosa. Manual labor and power production were entirely automated. Reproduction among those once human is now a cold, sterile affair fraught with new complications.
Regal is a young boy who was born 222 years after the inception of Grandosa. He is what is referred to as a Soulless; someone accused of lacking a soul due to diminished emotions and driven by logic. His parents abandoned him, choosing the Eternal Rest. He is left with no one to rely on other than himself as a series of unfortunate events force him to adjust his outlook on life.
Regal's school years teach him that there is more to this world than meets the eye. What he doesn't yet realize is that his future is full of turmoil that will threaten his very existence. His only path through these trials is to rise above, to stand and defend a life that no one other than himself can see.